Friday, March 6, 2009

Kevin Rudd Caricature

Since my boy's been ZZZ.zzz alot more over the past few nights I had a chance to get stuck into this one...Kevin Rudd
Completed using some custom brushes I created in Photoshop,  I went for a more loose Oil Painting look


  1. Nice work Anthony - he is extremely hard work, I've had about four attempts at him and keep ending up with Bert Newton. I've got another one half done that is looking a little better.
    Yours is better than any of mine - BUT - I've yet to see any caricature of him that captures the essence, screams out Kevin Rudd - I don't know, as a group we caricaturists have met our 'Waterloo' in this guy. I'd dearly love one of us to churn out something on him like one of the superb Obama's knocking around.
    Mr 'photo opportunity' certainly deserves a good 'going over' !

  2. Your right Terry, he is bloody hard to Caricature.. I think I've hat a shot at him 4-5 times now and they too have looked like Moonface Newton-maybe there long lost brothers.

  3. I've got a commissioned rudd on the go at the moment, will post when I can. It's my second attempt at Rudd and he's looking alright, but he's a right pain to draw.

  4. Hey Anthony cool that you have a blog too and i see you´re speeding on digital matey, is it an aussie thing? :)

  5. Looking Good Anthony. Great Work, once again!

  6. WOW Anthony!! Your last works are excellent!!!!
